Ichinomiya-hachiman-ookami shrine

Ichinomiya-hachiman-ookami shrine is about 7 minutes on foot from Samukawa station. The sculpture of the dragon of the main building was dug by a prominent sculptor.
Ichinomiya-hachiman-ookami shrine, sculpture, Samukawa
Ichinomiya-hachiman-ookami shrine, sculpture, Samukawa
Ichinomiya-hachiman-ookami shrine, sculpture, Samukawa

In March, people will exhibit Hinadan (traditional court dolls) and Tsurushi-Kazari (hanging small dolls made with beautiful cloth).
traditional court dolls & hanging small dolls made with beautiful cloth

traditional court dolls & hanging small dolls made with beautiful cloth

traditional court dolls & hanging small dolls made with beautiful cloth

traditional court dolls 

In May, people pray for children's health and decorate Koinobori (big fish made of cloth).
Ichinomiya-hachiman-ookami shrine, Koinobori(big fish made of cloth)

Ichinomiya-hachiman-ookami shrine, Koinobori(big fish made of cloth)

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